Cannes Lions 2019- Day #5

Today was definitely the most underwhelming out of our five days at the festival. I noticed on Thursday night that a lot of companies were closing down their cabanas and beaches and they had already begun to pack everything up. This morning, I got to the festival around 11:00 AM and went straight to Medialink Beach for our meeting with their three UGA alumni. After the meeting was over, I stopped to talk to Abby Castro, as she mentioned that she was active in the American Marketing association and I am on the board for the 2019-2020 school year. When she found out that I live in New York, she invited me to get coffee when we both get back to the city. After leaving Medialink, I headed straight to the Palais II Stage to hear Adidas’s Global Director if Running, Clara Dooley, and the President of Code and Theory, Michael Treff, talk about Adidas’s new digital activations in their brick and mortar stores. After that, I quickly headed to the Lumiere Theater to get in line for Apple’s presentation “Simple is Hard.” The line took forever and the theater was packed but or group managed to get a spot in the balcony. Tor Myhren, Apple’s Vice President of Marketing Communications spoke about the culture of simplicity at Apple that they try to communicate through their advertising. During his session, he showed quite a few popular Apple ads, from music videos, to billboard, to wrapped buses and buildings. I really enjoyed how this session was more of a presentation than a panel or conversation, it was extremely different from everything else that I went to this week. After Apple, I headed back to Palais II to hear David Dancer from MedMen, Tommy Means from Mekanism, Stephanie Paterik from AdWeek, and actor/activist Jesse Williams talk about cannabis normalcy. I really enjoyed this talk because cannabis isn’t even legal in the state I live in and I got to learn about so many things that I don’t hear about/experience in my every day life. As I mentioned earlier, today was by for the least exciting for me, personally. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the sessions I attended, however, much of the festival was already closed down and there were significantly less attendees present.


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